So here we are, hurtling towards the end of another year that you thought might have been a little more successful for you, you have worked hard, managed to pay all your bills and you’re keeping it together, but just about. Are you in need some practical solutions for your motivation problem?
Hopefully I can help by providing you with one or two proven techniques to help you though those days when your ‘mojo’ is clearly a no show.
My personal favorite starter is to do something small and create a flow. Just clean your desk or pay your bills. Heck, even wash the dishes. You just need to get started. When you have finished that small task you’ll feel more alert and ready to go do the next thing. Remember all you need is to get motivated. So, start with something small and work your way up. You will get in the swing of things in a few minutes.
Or, if that’s not your cup of tea, how about just tackling the toughest task first? This will ease a lot of your daily worries and boost your self-confidence for the rest of the day.
My personal preference when I’ve got myself into what I call the “frozen zone”, you know, when you have procrastinated for so long over something so trivial that now the thought of it gives you chest pains? Or is it just me that does that? Anyway, I just wake up one day and I do it. Then I spend the rest of my day telling myself I’m an idiot for procrastinating in the first place. But when it’s done, boy do I feel good!
Another motivation killer is comparing what you have and your results to what other people have and have accomplished. There will always people ahead of you. Most likely quite a lot and a few of them are miles ahead. So focus on you. On your results and how you can improve upon them.
My advice? Be your authentic self, you will not need to make comparisons.
Another tool in my “fight the funk” bag is making use of creativity. Take a pen and jot down what areas in your life that you would like to have more ideas about. Perhaps you want ideas to earn more money or become a healthier person. Then brainstorm until you have written down 10 ideas on that topic. Then try for 10 more. Not all ideas will be good. But some will. And as you make use of your creativity you not only discover useful ideas. You also discover just how creative you can be if you try and how motivating and great that feels.
And lastly….find out what makes you happy. Then do that. As much as you can.
Have a wonderful holiday season everyone!